Friday, 12 July 2013

Work in Progress

I'm currently working on an 1872 vest basque, a jacket that incorporates a faux vest. The jacket is shot red and black taffeta, the collar, cuffs and vest black velvet. The photos are of the jacket in progress; it will look much different when it is all together.

What the finished jacket will look like

Some of the jacket pieces.
The lining back
Lining Front
The two front fabric pieces
Because I wanted to be as authentic as possible, I hand-basted the stays in place. They will be covered by the lining once it is attached.

Below are some shots of the basted jacket; obviously not finished!
Front with collar attached
Back. The back folds will eventually be pleats once the lining is attached
Side view

The next pics are of the vest front, before and after it is attached.
You can still see the basting stitches; they will be removed.
Vest front

Closeup of vest and buttons

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

1870 Trained Skirt Ensemble

The skirt has the traditional five gores and two widths in back for train length. The full overskirt is pulled up in the center back and has four sashes hanging down the back. The sashes are black velvet, lined with the green taffeta.I have one ready-made (the one in the photos). This item is usually custom made. Corset and top are not included and neither are the underthings. They are available separately. 

Monday, 7 January 2013

I will be branching out from just historical fashion to every day fashion and formal wear. Nothing to post yet, but after we move, I will be getting my machines in gear again. As always, I am open to commissions.